
We want to bring innovation
If you are just starting to play the piano, we suggest that you find a qualified piano teacher.
There are three phases to learning to play the piano. The first phase is comprised of the basics. This includes things such as fingerings, posture and basic music theory. You should have a real music teacher to guide you through the fundamentals in the beginning. Bad habits will limit your progress later on, and can take years to correct.
After you learn the fundamentals, you will move on to Phase 2 – learning the notes of a song. This is where the PianoMaestro will really help you. You will progress faster and derive more enjoyment from your time spent at the piano. Because the PianoMaestro helps you to decrease the amount of time and effort spent to learn a new song, you can spend more time polishing the piece and making it your own. This is the most rewarding part of playing the piano that most students fail to reach.

Simply Piano
On the DVD, Robyn is your personal piano teacher who will cover the fundamentals such as posture, hand position, finger independence, scales and chords through 21 exercises that progresses from popular classics to improvisation. Robyn will guide you through the exercises, providing the context and purpose of each exercise and highlighting common mistakes. The book provides tips for reading music, music theory, rules for chord progressions and improvisation, and other topics. The PianoMaestro includes selected exercises and MIDI files from Simply Piano. To maximize the impact of these exercises, we suggest investing in a copy of Simply Piano. Simply Piano provides important elements for learning the piano that can not be conveyed in MIDI files alone. Purchasers of Simply Piano can download the MIDI files to all the exercises, so that they can follow the DVD and book with the aide of the PianoMaestro guide-light device.

About Robyn Payne
Robyn Payne, the author of Simply Piano, is a music producer and composer with more than 20 years experience. Robyn is highly regarded within the advertising and music industries.
Robyn has performed and recorded with artists including Tommy Emmanuel, The Seekers, Ted Egan, Little River Band, Tina Arena, Tom Jones, Barry Manilow, Jackson Brown, Joe Cocker, Roger Daltrey and Bonnie Raitt as well as playing in the Hey Hey It’s Saturday band for six years. She has two degrees in music: B.Ed.(Mus); A.Mus.A, is an Industry Advisory Committee member and performance examiner for TAFE certificate & diploma courses in music and a guest lecturer at The Harvest School of Creative Arts in Singapore.

Simply Piano
Do you practice the piano 8 hours a day, 7 days a week? If yes, congratulations! You are on your way to becoming a world-class pianist and have no need for a PIanoMaestro. We look forward to seeing you at the next Tchaikovsky competition.
If you are a normal student – with schoolwork, friends, sports and other commitments– then please read on.
We understand how busy you are. That piano exam coming up is probably the last thing you needed to put into your already overloaded schedule. If you are already playing the piano, you are probably stuck somewhere in Phase 2 – learning the right notes.
With the PianoMaestro, you will be able to accelerate your progress and learn new pieces more quickly. That give you more time to spend with your piano instructor focusing on Phase 3 – the artistry and interpretation of a piece.
It will also give you more time to focus on other things. Your life.

Are you having trouble motivating your kids to practice the piano
We know what is going through your child’s mind.
The inventor of PianoMaestro was forced to learn to play the piano at a young age and was so traumatized by the experience that he did not touch a piano for 15 years after escaping from his parents’ sphere of influence.
There are three stages to learning to play the piano. Your child will probably lose interest somewhere in Stage 2 – learning the notes of a new piece.

During Stage 2, your child will spend hours at the piano making noise, not music. Your child will be frustrated because the amount of time invested at the piano will seem to yield meager rewards. Does your child listen to “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” for enjoyment? Probably not. However, there is a good chance that your child will learn to play “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” on the piano.
With the PianoMaestro, your child will be able to learn new songs in less time and with less effort. Because the PianoMaestro plays standard MIDI files, your child will be able to learn to play the songs that they enjoy in their normal lives. This creates a positive feedback learning cycle.
We expect the traditionalists to be weary of electronic aides like the PianoMaestro. There is no question that the classical method has created many world-class pianists. However, it has also failed millions. We hope that the PianoMaestro will motivate and encourage everyone else — those discouraged by the classical method — to keep playing the piano.
Adult Learners

Whether you are learning to play the piano for the first time, or revisiting an old hobby, the PianoMaestro can help you get maximum enjoyment from your piano.
The inventor of the PianoMaestro developed this system because he was revisiting a hobby that he pursued as a child, and was attempting to learn a piece that was beyond his ability.
The PianoMaestro reads standard MIDI files, so you can start learning the songs that you love today.
Because the PianoMaestro reduces the time and effort to learn a piece – Phase 2 in the graph – you will achieve results faster.

Adult Beginners
If you are just starting to play the piano, we suggest that you find a qualified piano teacher.
There are three phases to learning to play the piano. The first phase is comprised of the basics. This includes things such as fingerings, posture and basic music theory. You should have a real music teacher to guide you through the fundamentals in the beginning. Bad habits will limit your progress later on, and like an incorrect golf swing, can take years to correct.
After you learn the fundamentals, you will move on to Phase 2 – learning the notes of a song. This is where the PianoMaestro will really help you. You will progress faster and derive more enjoyment from your time spent at the piano.
Because the PianoMaestro helps you to decrease the amount of time and effort spent to learn a new song, you can spend more time polishing the piece and making it your own. This is the most rewarding part of playing the piano that most students fail to reach.
Simply Piano
With the new beginner in mind, PianoMaestro has is excited to be working with Robyn Payne – well-known Australian composer, producer, and author of Simply Piano. Simply Piano includes a DVD with over an hour of structured piano lessons and an 80 page full-colour book.
On the DVD, Robyn is your personal piano teacher who will cover the fundamentals such as posture, hand position, finger independence, scales and chords through 21 exercises that progresses from popular classics to improvisation. Robyn will guide you through the exercises, providing the context and purpose of each exercise and highlighting common mistakes. The book provides tips for reading music, music theory, rules for chord progressions and improvisation, and other topics.
The PianoMaestro includes selected exercises and MIDI files from Simply Piano. To maximize the impact of these exercises, we suggest investing in a copy of Simply Piano. Simply Piano provides important elements for learning the piano that can not be conveyed in MIDI files alone. Purchasers of Simply Piano can download the MIDI files to all the exercises, so that they can follow the DVD and book with the aide of the PianoMaestro guide-light device.

About Robyn Payne
Robyn Payne, the author of Simply Piano, is a music producer and composer with more than 20 years experience. Robyn is highly regarded within the advertising and music industries.
Robyn has performed and recorded with artists including Tommy Emmanuel, The Seekers, Ted Egan, Little River Band, Tina Arena, Tom Jones, Barry Manilow, Jackson Brown, Joe Cocker, Roger Daltrey and Bonnie Raitt as well as playing in the Hey Hey It’s Saturday band for six years. She has two degrees in music: B.Ed.(Mus); A.Mus.A, is an Industry Advisory Committee member and performance examiner for TAFE certificate & diploma courses in music and a guest lecturer at The Harvest School of Creative Arts in Singapore.
Music Teachers

Are your students attending your lessons unprepared? Are your students dropping out due to other interests and activities?
The inventor of the PianoMaestro was once your student.
Your student is stuck somewhere in Phase 2 – learning the notes of a new piece. Your student is losing interest in the piano when he is at home trying to figure out what you just taught him. This is problematic because you are not there to provide encouragement and guidance. Before long, the TV or PlayStation will win.

With the PianoMaestro, you can send home your student with some additional help. Your students will progress through Phase 2 faster, which will motivate them to spend more time at the piano. You can spend more lesson-time focused on the artistry and interpretation of a piece instead of starting where you left off the week before. And because your students are more motivated and enthusiastic, you can keep them for longer.
Some traditional teachers are wary of electronic aids like the PianoMaestro. We understand this view. There is no question that the classical method has created world-class pianists. We do not advocate reducing the rigor of training for the most dedicated students. However, traditional lessons have discouraged millions. The PianoMaestro makes the piano accessible to all. We hope that the PianoMaestro, together with traditional lessons, will motivate and encourage everyone else to keep playing the piano.
PianoMaestro has exclusive special rates and resources for piano teachers.
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